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  • starrilune19

A.I Experiments Pt. 3: Ari and Cam

(Hmm--Well...I didn't expect part 3 to be up so late in comparison to the others.. Had a storm come through and knock out my internet, and it took several days for it to be restored. 😑 Then, I got busy with work/other stuff and as a result got tired and was hit with a bout of my own laziness. But anyways, here we go--the elf OCs!)

I threw an old artwork of my character Ari into the A.I...

Ari đŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž

You are an "og" if you remember this old watercolor piece-- "Do Elves Eat Popsicles in the Woods?"

A.I Generations đŸ€–

To be honest, I was surprised. The A.I generations were pretty dang close to the original piece. Aside from her posing, the popsicle that got randomly turned into ice cream, and whatever object she is holding in the first generation (a gardening tool? a shovel?), I'm shocked at the results. I think out of the two, the first one fits more with Ari's character (she looks more mature and has a more fairy-esque hairstyle). But there are elements in the second one that I like more (ex. the colors, her dress, the background, and the fact that she isn't holding a random object). Also, the second generation looks more modern and for some reason kind of reminds me of an actress.

I decided to input one more piece from 2019..(this time an older digital art of mine)

Ari đŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž

A.I Generations đŸ€–

The generations once again are dang pretty close. 👀 I like how the A.I just went all out with the angel aesthetic by giving her wings. These have also made me realize I need to get better at drawing more mature looking ladies. In my head when I'm drawing, I always am thinking my characters are around my age, but my drawings may not always portray that. (Or maybe this is my subconscious' way of showing my "hang ups" about me not feeling/"looking" my age-- hmmm. đŸ€”)

I do see a bit of a redesign in her future as well cause I can now see why she often gets compared to a particular beloved video game character.


And now... last but not least--my first OC..or second? Yeah, second! But, favorite character of mine. Cam


The A.I sure did have fun interpreting this piece...

But let's start with the uncanny and the ones most "off the mark".

A.I Generations đŸ€–

The only thing that resembles Cam in the slightest is the third one cause somehow it recreated his older hairstyle I used to draw him with. The first one is completely off the mark and the second one is just giving racy "Hobbit".

When I was inputing the prompt to go along with the picture, I was trying to be more modest by saying "half-clothed" but the A.I just said "Drop the leaf!" and went there. A.I may not be able to generate hands but it most certainly can generate the male anatomy (multiples at that đŸ˜łđŸ«ąđŸ˜‚). Naughty A.I. Oh where my 3am adventures take me. (I was giggling yet still looking over my shoulder thinking someone would show up behind me.)

A.I Generations đŸ€– (The Closest Resemblances)

Extra limbs aside, this one was pretty close. Even though the A.I refused to pick up "elf" this time. Sidenote: It was scary how somehow the A.I picked up on the missing eye element in another more recent piece of mine. It knows! 👀 But this piece is reminding me too much of Tarzan. He's even more grown up now.

The hair and face/expression on this one...Instant "win". đŸ€©

I hope this short little blog series on my 3am A.I experiments was entertaining. I'm ready to get back to focusing on my craft and stop "sweating" A.I.. (hopefully).

My next blog will go into some of the other projects I've been working on behind the scenes (ex. t-shirts and items for my shop I'm rebuilding)!

See you again soon đŸ’«

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