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  • starrilune19

A.I Experiements: Pt.1 Cirrus

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

I have been overwhelmed with all of the latest news involving A.i tech and its effect on the art world. I really don't know how to feel about its sudden emergence. I don't support platforms' unauthorized use of artists' works in order to train the A.i systems. Also, I fear the detriments it can cause to artists' ability to get jobs and maintain their livelihood. But on the other hand, I can see how A.i tech can be used as a tool and possibly help with the creation process (i.e helping one envision a concept that they may not be able to achieve solely by using reference).

I've been avoiding even "playing around" with the many A.i(s) I've been hearing about online, because thinking about tech and it further hindering my ability to get art jobs in the future really puts me in a sour mood (Yay for capitalism!! ~sarcasm~). But I guess curiosity eventually got the best of me. So here's to me facing the new tech head on. I used an old drawing of one of my characters as a reference for the A.i to go off of along with writing a small prompt. Peering into the the brain of the tech, it shows me my humanity--my flaws as an artist. I lack speed, technical ability and a pinpointed vision. I realized my warped version/vision of the style I aim to draw in...and also how far I am away from fully executing the concepts in my head.

After getting out of my own head, I was able to joke around and have a laugh at the many renditions the A.i created of my character. Some of the first tries of the A.I were in "Uncanny Valley" territory. The A.i wasn't able to fully render the eyes correctly or sometimes it even added extra limbs/body parts to my character. But others came out just fine (a little soulless at times but fine for a piece tech). After taking A.i less seriously, I was able to realize that my flaws are what give my art life (and its own style). The elusive "perfect" style according to an artist's (ever-changing) tastes and interests is what keeps the art journey alive. A.i can't replicate a human artistic touch.

Evolution of Cirrus: From Drawing to A.I Generated ✏️🤖

A.I Generations 🤖

Uncanny Valley but it did get close to my character's design
A.I First Attempt

Closer-- absolutely love the hair on this one. And I like the dress/outfit but  it doesn't feel seamless.
A.I Second Attempt

Jaw Dropping--I absolutely love the dress!! and everything about the one.  The style I was going for back then, but couldn't quite get to.
A.I Third Attempt

✨ My most favorite out of the A.I Generations. The dress is absolutely stunning! The hairstyle, The colors! I can't believe... (*falls into a pit of both awe 🤩 and despair 😫*)

⚡️ If Cirrus has piqued your interest you can read ☁️ Parallels ☁️ (her debut story) here:

💫 Stay Tuned for the 2nd Installment of this Blog Series "The A.I Experiments" where we'll see what the A.I has in store for my characters Nea & Chip. 🍦🍪

⭐️🎨 Follow me on Insta:

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